News Release – Mayor Tom McNamara – Keynote Speaker – 2HB HR & Benefits Seminar – New Session Added – Officer Joe Drought Workplace Violence Prevention and Response.
When: Tuesday March 5, 2019 – Seminar Runs from 8-Noon. Mayor scheduled for approximately 9:30 a.m.
Where: Radisson Convention Center – 200 S. Bell School Rd., Rockford
Mayor Tom McNamara will headline the 21st Annual Human Resources & Benefits Seminar scheduled for Tuesday, March 5, 2019 from 8 a.m. to Noon at the Radisson Convention Center, Rockford, Illinois. The event is hosted by 2HB Human Resources And Benefit Solutions Group. Local business leaders are invited to hear the Mayor share accomplishments for 2018, updates for 2019 and his vision for public safety, economic development and neighborhoods. Attendees are encouraged to utilize this information to help attract and retain local talent.
In addition, due to recent tragic events impacting HR managers – 2HB Solutions has engaged Officer Joe Drought to share practical tips on Workplace Violence Prevention and Response. Learn how to protect yourself and your team.
Additionally, Laurie S. Miller, MBA, President of 2HB will provide an annual industry update including case studies, policy pitfalls and trends. Other sessions will focus on Building a cost-effective and compliant wellness program along with Legislative and Employment Law Updates and Absence Management Tools and Tips for FMLA.
Three CEU’s have been granted.
The seminar is available at no cost to the clients and prospects of 2HB HR & Benefits Solutions Group. Refreshments and door prizes provided.
RSVP by Friday, March 1, 2019 by calling Tracy Luethje at 815-977-3496 #210 or email at [email protected]
For more information on this event – contact Laurie S. Miller, President, 2HB Solutions at 815-77-3496 #201 or via email at [email protected].