Deadline Extended to Labor Day to Earn a Junior Naturalist Badge and Get Three Chances to Win Prizes

ROCKFORD, IL – The deadline to earn a Junior Nationalist Badge through the Family Nature Adventures event launched on June 10th as an ongoing program of 13 nature themed learning videos with suggested activities and questions to answer on their website:

Participating in Family Nature Adventures is a way for kids to earn a Junior Naturalist Badge by watching a video and doing a corresponding activity in nature, whether it’s their own backyard or a nearby park, and answer questions related to the activity.

Registration is not required to participate, however to earn a Junior Naturalist Badge and be entered in the three random drawings at least six activities must be completed and the Final Participation Form filled out and submitted by September 7. The three drawings are for the Grand, Second and Third prize package and will be held in the NLI office on September 8. Prizes include family membership to NLI, field guides and tools, games, puzzles and NLI logo merchandise. See the list at: content/uploads/2020/05/Prize- drawings-information-090720.pdf . Family Nature Adventures is open to all and tailored to families with kids two to 14. Through the videos and activities NLI organizers hope that children will discover the outdoors, fall in love with nature, spend time with their family and learn how to have fun in nature and want to protect it.

The following businesses and organizations are supporting this free event for the community: Event Sponsors ($500): Northwest Bank, and the Northern Regional Groundwater Protection and Planning Committee (NRGPPC) and WIPFLI, Supporting Sponsor ($250): Nicor Gas. Grantors: This program is supported by grants from the Dr. Louis & Violet Rubin Fund of the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois and the Brubaker Charitable Trust.


About the Natural Land Institute

The Natural Land Institute, an accredited conservation land trust, is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization based in Rockford, Illinois, which has protected more than 17,300 acres of natural land in Illinois since 1958. The current service area covers twelve counties in northern Illinois. NLI’s mission is to create an enduring legacy of natural land in northern Illinois for people, plants and animals.

For more information and to donate:

Learn more and view the first set of videos here:

Facebook: @NaturalLandInstitute
Instagram: @NLI1958
Twitter: @NLI1958

Media Contact:
Kim Johnsen
Director of Marketing and Membership
815/964-6666 (office), 815/289-1102 (cell),
[email protected]