Standing Committees
Administrative committees that are required for operation of the Chamber.
Oversees all aspects of Chamber Business, and decides on critical items between board meetings.
Oversees all marketing, communications, public relations, and advertising for the Chamber.
Oversees all financial business, including budgeting, asset management, audits, and reporting.
Manages the nominations process for members interested in joining the board or becoming an executive officer.
Programing & Events
All of these committees, events, and programs, are managed under our Programs & Events Committee. Some may meet separately, but most are managed by our core group of active members, volunteers, and stake holders.
Awards Gala
Plans the annual awards gala where we celebrate excellence with 8 awards.
IWIB Luncheon
Annual luncheon celebrating women in the workplace. 3 awards presented each year.
Golf Play Day
Plans the annual Hawaiian Style Golf Play Day, one of our social fundraising events.
Casino Night
Plans the annual Casino Night, a formal social event w/ a special yearly theme.
Special Events
Creates, plans, and implements special monthly events such as BAH, Ribbon Cuttings, and Educational Seminars.
Bringing together business people for social connections and shared referrals. Elevating business through relationships.
Gov. Affairs
Advocates for our membership on political actions and initiatives that will help improve business and civic life in the Stateline area.
Oversees Chamber staffing needs and makes recommendations to the board regarding policy, compensation, etc…
Other Committees & Groups
Represents the Chamber by encouraging participation from existing members, and fostering business relationships that help to grow our mission. Ambassadors are the front line of our public-facing programs and help ensure everyone is welcomed, knows what to expect from the Chamber, and how to get involved.
The liaison between the Board / Staff, and our Business Members. This team helps to keep our services in line with what our membership wants and needs by keeping their finger on the pulse of our community and making recommendations back to the Board accordingly.
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