BELOIT, WI. (March 23, 2021) —In accordance with the State’s prioritization plan, Beloit Health System (BHS) will provide the COVID-19 Vaccine to eligible individuals based on new criteria as defined by Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) beginning on Monday, March 22.

To see if you are eligible, please review:

Please be aware the vaccine will be provided by appointment only. The vaccine is being administered at no cost to the patient.

First Dose Vaccines For Those Eligible will be offered on the following dates:
March 29 2:00pm – 5:00pm First Dose
March 30 7:00am – 3:00pm First Dose

Additional vaccine clinic dates will be announced soon.
Location: Beloit Memorial Hospital, Auditorium

If you are an established patient at BHS, you are encouraged to use the MyHealth patient portal at You may also call our dedicated vaccine phone line at 608-364-5663 to make your appointment.

As the State of Wisconsin and BHS expand the vaccination process, please continue to wear a mask, social distance, wash hands frequently and avoid group gatherings to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

About Beloit Health System
Beloit Health System is an independent community health system serving northern Illinois and southern
Wisconsin. We offer world-class facilities and services to improve the overall health of the communities
we serve with cornerstones for quality, engagement, integrity and patient satisfaction.


For more information, please visit

Megan Goggin, Manager of Marketing and Community Relations at [email protected]